TTBS gives steelpan maker ISO certification

  • Aug, Fri, 2024

Senior Reporter

As T&T celebrates World Steel Pan Month, a significant milestone was achieved yesterday, after the Musical Instruments of Trinidad and Tobago Company Limited (MITTCO) earned International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) certification from the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS).

This achievement represents the first time the TTBS has awarded ISO certification to a musical instrument.

TTBS executive director Jose Trejo highlighted the bureau’s critical role in setting standards for goods and services, noting that the steelpan, a symbol of national pride, held a unique and significant place in this historic recognition.

Trejo also clarified that the certification was not exclusive to MITTCO but was open to all steelpan manufacturers in T&T, underscoring the importance of maintaining high standards in the production of the country’s iconic instrument.

“The product certification scheme is not exclusive to MITTCO. It is open to any company or manufacturer that meets the requirements and is ready to apply. It’s not a closed certification process,” Trejo said.

He emphasised the steelpan’s global recognition as originating from T&T, drawing a parallel with Jamaica’s Blue Mountain Coffee.

“The geographical indicator we aim to develop at the national level will solidify the steel pan’s status as an instrument distinctly and exclusively tied to its birthplace here in Trinidad and Tobago,” Trejo explained.

“Our product certification for the steelpan adheres to our national standards for this instrument. For us, this is an extension of what we normally do. The TTBS typically sets standards to protect consumers and facilitate trade. However, today is different because the steel pan is a product of national importance and pride.”

Akua Leith, MITTCO’s director of Business Development, expressed gratitude for the recognition.

“We would like to thank the TTBS for giving us the opportunity to present our instrument and our factory to you. It’s an honour for the MITTCO team to have our steelpan recognised, especially as the first musical instrument to meet your rigorous standards.

“We take this recognition very seriously, and we’re truly grateful,” he said.

The event was marked by a tour of MITTCO’s facility, where students from across the country had the opportunity to observe the meticulous process of crafting the steelpan.

The post TTBS gives steelpan maker ISO certification first appeared on CNC3.