Unitary Platform demands the freedom of political prisoners

  • Sep, Sun, 2024

The largest opposition bloc in Venezuela – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – demanded this Sunday the immediate release of all political prisoners, among whom it mentioned the former deputy Freddy Superlanoarrested on July 30.

«We, from the Unitary Platform, demand their immediate freedom and respect for their human rights. All political prisoners in Venezuela must be released, because engaging in politics is not a crime,» the alliance wrote on X, where it shared a photograph of the former deputy, who was, according to this opposition sector, detained by the Sebin (Bolivarian National Intelligence Service).

Superlano is also a national leader of Leopoldo López’s party, Popular Will (VP), which supported the candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia in the presidential elections of July 28, in which Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner by the National Electoral Council (CNE), a result declared fraudulent by the PUD.

Political prisoners in Venezuela

On September 5, Attorney General Tarek William Saab said that Superlano and the opposition members Perkins Rocha and Biaggio Pilieri – also detained – are being investigated because they “endorsed”, “verified”, “disseminated” and “published as real” the website on which the PUD published “83.5% of the minutes” that it claims to have collected and which – the bloc insists – reflect the “victory” of González Urrutia, who has been exiled in Spain for a week.

The Prosecutor’s Office also opened an investigation against the PUD flag bearer for allegedly having committed “usurpation of functions”, “forgery of public documents”, “instigation to disobedience of laws”, “conspiracy”, among other crimes, a case that his defense hopes will be closed soon, after the opposition leader leaves Venezuela.

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