(VIDEO) Delcy Rodríguez calls María Corina Machado a fake and a dead fly

  • Oct, Wed, 2024

The executive vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, called opposition leader María Corina Machado a fake and a dead fly this Wednesday. whom he accused of asking for sanctions and, at the same time, speak in favor of the workers’ salary increase, which was, according to the official, hard hit by these foreign measures.

«Who has requested the blockade against Venezuela? Leopoldo López, Julio Borges, Juan Guaidó, María Corina Machado, who then uses the voice of a dead mosquito, and then who causes tremendous damage to Venezuela and still today calls for more sanctions. She then, every day, makes videos (saying): ‘dear workers, I am with you, worker, and now we are going to fight for Venezuela and for your conditions,'” Rodríguez said.

She insisted that Machado, “dragged into the United States government, is asking for sanctions and a blockade against Venezuela,” which is why the Minister of Petroleum also pointed out the former deputy and the other opponents she mentioned as “tremendous frauds.”

Rodríguez said that the workers have been at the forefront of the “active resistance against the criminal blockade imposed from Washington with the support of Western countries due to the call made by the extremists and fascists in Venezuela,” in reference to leaders and leaders. anti-chavistas.

Rodríguez charged against Machado

The vice president attacked Machado a few days after the opposition expressed her “deep admiration and affection” for educators, who, despite the “hunger wages,” have “remained at the forefront of this fight, with an infinite vocation and delivery”.

Machado, who claims to be in hiding, fearing for his life and freedom, told the teachers on Saturday – in an audio published on social networks – that the country needs them organized and active in this decisive hour in the fight for a Venezuela free that “arrives soon”, in which “they will be protagonists in the construction of the best public education system in the world.”

The leader defends the victory that the majority opposition, grouped in the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), assures that its candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, obtained in the presidential elections of July 28, in which the president Nicolás Maduro was proclaimed the winner by the National Electoral Council (CNE), a result questioned inside and outside the country, and which was announced based on votes that are unknown in a disaggregated manner.

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