What Jorge Rodríguez said about the return of Edmundo González

  • Oct, Fri, 2024

The president of the Parliament with a pro-government majority, Jorge Rodríguez, said this Friday that Spain will have to deal with opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia “for the rest of his days.”

“They will have to deal for the rest of their days with that absurdity, one of the most cowardly and despicable beings known in the minuscule history of stateless people,” Rodríguez wrote on Instagram, in response to statements that González Urrutia made today in Spain, where he assured that his exile is temporary and that he plans to return to Venezuela as soon as possible.

Rodríguez accused the opponent – candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) in the presidential elections on July 28 – of constantly lying, especially regarding his departure from Venezuela, where The court had issued an arrest warrant against him for claiming victory in the elections.

He considered that the 75-year-old opponent “violates asylum rules” after having formally requested that protection mechanism before Spain.

Edmundo González sets a date for his return to Venezuela

At a political debate forum held in Spain, González Urrutia asked that country for help so that popular sovereignty is respected, in allusion to his claim of victory in the elections, which has the support of numerous nations and for which the Spanish Congress recognized him as president-elect.

González also expressed his intention to take office on January 10, when the new presidential term begins, although in Venezuela the leaders of all State institutions, including the Armed Forces, defend Maduro’s controversial victory at the polls.

The Carter Centeran American organization that was an electoral observer in the Venezuelan presidential elections of July 28, showed on Wednesday in Washington before the Organization of American States (OAS) the “original” voting records that point to the victory of the opponent Edmundo González Urrutia.

According to the minutes presented by the Carter Center, Edmundo González Urrutia obtained 67% of the votes, while the current president, Nicolás Maduro, had 31%.

The National Electoral Council (CNE), controlled by Chavismo, maintains that Maduro won those elections, despite the fact that has not published the minutes with the disaggregated results.

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