Don’t stop with Tobago, Erla
DCP JuÂnior BenÂjamin’s view that the T&T PoÂlice SerÂvice has crime unÂder conÂtrol at a SepÂtemÂber 6 news conÂferÂence, shocked many and raised seÂriÂous quesÂtions about whether the serÂvice had lost touch with the views of the ground.
AlÂmost two weeks latÂer, it’s clear the TTPS hiÂerÂarÂchy wishÂes to conÂtinÂue pushÂing the narÂraÂtive that things are not as bad as the pubÂlic perÂceives them to be, as, on MonÂday, PoÂlice ComÂmisÂsionÂer ErÂla HareÂwood-ChristoÂpher sugÂgestÂed the poÂlice have been makÂing steady gains in comÂbatÂting seÂriÂous crime.Â
When it comes to some asÂpects of crime, this may very well be so, but as the TTPS leadÂerÂship ought to know, pubÂlic perÂcepÂtion of the crime sitÂuÂaÂtion is priÂmarÂiÂly hinged on the rate of homiÂcides.
NeedÂless to say, that is where the TTPS scores lowÂest at the moÂment, which makes its atÂtempts to project itÂself as winÂning this crime fight as nothÂing short of fuÂtile exÂcusÂes to covÂer up a bad wound.
Where homiÂcides are conÂcerned, ToÂbaÂgo takes on a bigÂger spotÂlight givÂen that the isÂland, which had long apÂpeared to be imÂmune from the scourge of seÂriÂous crimes that ocÂcur in Trinidad, has seen an exÂpoÂnenÂtial rise from what was a record 13 murÂders in all of 2023, to a disÂasÂtrous 22 withÂin the ninth month of this year.
NatÂuÂralÂly, the foÂcus has been placed on the abilÂiÂty of poÂlice in ToÂbaÂgo to crack down on the crime sitÂuÂaÂtion.
The comÂmisÂsionÂer’s atÂtempt to manÂage this criÂsis took sevÂerÂal forms, from anÂnouncÂing the transÂfer of ofÂfiÂcers from Trinidad to ToÂbaÂgo to reÂduce the imÂpact of faÂmilÂiarÂiÂty beÂtween resÂiÂdents and ToÂbaÂgo-born ofÂfiÂcers, to visÂitÂing the isÂland herÂself with reÂcentÂly-apÂpointÂed MinÂisÂter in the MinÂistry of NaÂtionÂal SeÂcuÂriÂty, KeiÂth ScotÂland, to get a betÂter feel of the sitÂuÂaÂtion on the ground.
The NaÂtionÂal SeÂcuÂriÂty CounÂcil alÂso met in ToÂbaÂgo durÂing the last two months.
DeÂspite this, the murÂder rate conÂtinÂued to rise beÂfore the deÂciÂsion was takÂen to reÂplace ToÂbaÂgo DiÂviÂsion heads, ACP ColÂlis Hazel and Snr Supt RodÂhill Kirk, with Trinidad-based ofÂfiÂcers, actÂing ACP OsÂwain Subero and Snr Supt Earl Elie.
WithÂout any word from the TTPS on the reaÂsons for the change at this time, citÂiÂzens can onÂly deÂduce that those at the helm lost faith in ToÂbaÂgo’s two most seÂnior ofÂfiÂcers to make a seÂriÂous imÂpact anyÂtime soon.
It’s been some time since we have seen the TTPS hiÂerÂarÂchy take acÂtion at such a high levÂel, and comÂing so soon afÂter MinÂisÂter ScotÂland was givÂen the TTPS as his brief, he might very well be the one credÂitÂed for this deÂciÂsion.Â
For all its worth, the TTPS has sent a powÂerÂful mesÂsage that it is preÂpared to make top-levÂel changes based on the perÂforÂmances of its leadÂers.
The quesÂtion now is whether or not MinÂisÂters FitzgerÂald Hinds and ScotÂland, as well as ComÂmisÂsionÂer HareÂwood-ChristoÂpher, are willÂing to make othÂer maÂjor changes in Trinidad, afÂter asÂsessÂing the perÂforÂmances of heads of diÂviÂsions in reÂlaÂtion to homiÂcides and othÂer seÂriÂous crimes.Â
If the narÂraÂtive conÂtinÂues to be that things are getÂting betÂter, conÂtrary to pubÂlic perÂcepÂtion, then we’d exÂpect litÂtle by way of strateÂgic adÂminÂisÂtraÂtive changes.
The mesÂsage would onÂly be that while there was an urÂgent need for a change in the poÂlice leadÂerÂship of ToÂbaÂgo, those leadÂing the crime fight in Trinidad have things fulÂly unÂder conÂtrol.